TCA recently worked with the Boulder Outreach for Homeless Overflow (BOHO) to develop a new logo representing BOHO’s mission of serving as a safety net for the homeless community.
“We believe in the good work BOHO does in providing shelter for the homeless and working poor in our community. We wanted to help them reflect these positive attributes through the new branding and logo we developed,” said David Heitman, TCA’s president and creative director. “Even in our affluent community, there are still hundreds of homeless people who need help, and BOHO is there even when other agencies are at capacity. It was a privilege to work on this project. Hopefully we captured what BOHO is all about.”
The logo, designed by Madison Stack, TCA’s graphic designer, represents an abstract safety net while the tag line, ‘The safety net under the safety net,’ captures BOHO’s work to supplement and complement the work of other support agencies serving the homeless community.
Nancy Brinks, chair of BOHO’s Board of Directors, said, “TCA spent time understanding our culture and mission, and created the perfect image for our lifesaving work. We’re delighted with the new logo, and our funders and collaborative partners have been uniformly positive.”
The logo will be applied across the entire spectrum of marketing applications, including a website, social media and vehicle graphics.
About The Boulder Outreach for Homeless Overflow
The Boulder Outreach for Homeless Overflow (BOHO) partners with several generous faith communities in Boulder to provide emergency warming centers and overflow locations on cold nights. BOHO integrates with other Boulder agencies to fill gaps in the social safety net.