
The Creative Alliance Completes Compelling Promotional Video for PhoCusWright

by tca_admin

LAFAYETTE, CO – The Creative Alliance recently completed a comprehensive video project for its client PhoCusWright of Sherman, Connecticut, to promote the company’s travel industry event, The PhoCusWright Conference.

The Creative Alliance, charged with giving life to conference promotions and inciting action to attend, sponsor and speak at the upcoming event utilized graphic animation, innovative transitions and vibrant sound tracks to complete a robust, informative and attention grabbing promotional video.

The team at The Creative Alliance worked in conjunction with Alliance Partner Dan Knudson of Dan Knudson Productions to complete this project.

David Heitman, President and Creative Director at The Creative Alliance said, “The goal of the video is to create excitement and we have done just that. With the combination of creative structure, flow, timing and a great client to work with, we have completed a project sure to increase registrations, get attendees excited and add interest for potential speakers.”